President Shi Zumei of FPEAIE and His Delegation Visit FNU for Research


On March 24, Shi Zumei, President of Fujian Provincial Education Association for International Exchange (FPEAIE), led a delegation to visit FNU for research. Vice President Chen Qinghua, and relevant responsible persons of the Office of International Cooperation and Exchange, College of Foreign Language, and College of International Education attended the research conference.

Chen Qinghua, on behalf of FNU, warmly welcomed Shi Zumei and his delegation, and expressed his appreciation to the association for its support to FNU. He also briefly introduced the achievements of FNU in international education from the aspects of Sino-foreign cooperation in education, regional and country studies, and the think tank construction of the Belt and Road.

Shi Zumei affirmed the achievements of FNU in international education, and hoped that FNU would play a demonstration and leading role in the international exchange and cooperation in education of Fujian Province by making full use of its characteristics. He looked forward to the close communication and strengthening cooperation with FNU, and contributing in serving the major national strategy and the construction of New Fujian.

Both sides exchanged views on the change of the term of Fujian Education Association for International Exchange and the cooperation on IELTS.

                                  (Translated by Zeng Lu / Reviewed by Chen Fang)

