FNU Signed Collaboration Agreements with Two American Universities


On the morning of January 10th, delegation of CMS Global, Seton Hill University and MCK University visited FNU for collaboration. President Wang Changping, vice presidents Lai Hairong and Zheng Jiajian met with the guests, and heads of Office of International Cooperation and Exchange, Online and Continuing Education College and other related units attended the meeting.

At the signing ceremony, vice president Zheng Jiajian briefly introduced FNU and expressed his expectation to develop with SHU and Mck. by tapping the potential of cooperation, enlightening and understanding each other.

It was said that FNU undertook EW1+1 project with SHU and Mck aiming at providing more convenient and more flexible access to international masters degree for online learners.

(Translated by Wang Sijie / Reviewed by Chen Fang)
