FNU Co-hosts the 8th Cross-strait Cultural Development Forum


On September 18, the 8th Cross-strait Cultural Development Forum, jointly hosted by Chinese National Academy of Arts, Fujian Academy of Social Sciences, Shih Hsin University (SHU), Taiwan Wanjuanlou Books Company and FNU, was held in Fuzhou.

Sun Yafu, Vice Chairman of the Association for Relations Across the Taiwan Straits, Wang Yaohua, Former Vice-chairman of Fujian Provincial CPPCC, Weng Linnan, Secondary Inspector of Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office of Fujian Province and full-time Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee, Wu Yongqian, President of Shih Hsin University, Liu Xiaoxin, Deputy Dean of Fujian Academy of Social Sciences, Hong Mengqi, Chair Professor of Ming Chuan University, Ye Jiande, Chairman of the Chinese Culture and Education Association, Liang Jinxing, General Manager of Wanjuanlou Books Company, Zheng Jiajian, Vice President of FNU, as well as more than 120 experts and scholars from research institutions and universities across the Straits attended the opening ceremony of the forum.

The forum was held online, focusing on the theme of Continuation and Innovation of Cross-strait Cultural Exchanges and Cooperation, with the three sub-forums of Cross-strait Literature Research, Cross-strait Education and Art and Cross-strait History and Culture. Participants conducted in-depth discussions on such issues as cross-strait cultural and educational exchanges in the new era, the aesthetic education and emotional identity of cross-strait literature, and the deepening, integration and innovation of cross-strait youth cultural and educational exchanges.

It is reported that the forum has been successfully held for seven sessions since its establishment in 2013. In recent years, the level of the forum's specifications has been continuously improving, and its influence has been expanding. As a key exchange program for Taiwan listed by the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council, the Cross-strait Cultural Development Forum has developed into an important platform for scholars on both sides of the strait to exchange ideas and deepen cooperation, and made positive contributions to promoting the peaceful development of cross-strait relations.



                                (Translated by Huang Kexin/ Reviewed by Xie Xiujuan)
