The Financial Approval for FNU on the Esoteric and Unique Project from NSFC in 2021


Recently, National Office for Philosophy and Social Sciences has announced the list for esoteric and unique projects, which are approved and granted by National Social Science Fund of China. These 71 nationwide projects includes 48 individual scholar projects and 23 academic team projects, one of which is granted to The Excavation, Integration and Exploration of Imminent Vanishing Fujian Dialect Literature at Home and Abroad since Ming and Qing Dynasties declared by Fujian dialect literature research team of FNU. Mr. Ma Chongqi, professor of College of Chinese Language and Literature, is the chief expert of this project. This is the second time since our university was granted by the fund in 2018.

It is reported that special program on esoteric and unique projects has optimized management system since 2020 in order to inherit academic knowledge and cultivate talents. In addition, the special investment funding has changed from a single scholar or a single project funding to a long-term funding for academic teams in specialized subject area. With reference to the standards of National Social Science Fund, the academic project of esoteric and unique research generally gets 600 thousand yuan to 800 thousand yuan in order to stabilize the esoteric research team, strengthen the reserve of young and middle-aged talents, reinforce academic orientation. All of these measures contribute to the formation of a rational talent echelon with generation inheritance.

Up to now, FNU has obtained 34 projects that are supported by National Social Science Fund in 2021.

                                      (Translated by Lv Xin/ reviewed by Chen Fang)
