2021 Fujian River and Lake Health Assessment Blue Book Launch Conference Successfully Held at FNU


On November 10, the 2021 Fujian River and Lake Health Assessment Blue Book Launch Conference and Cross-sector Exchange Meeting of “Healthy Rivers and Lakes and Happy Dialogues”, hosted by Fujian Research Center for River and Lake Health, undertaken by the Integrated Development Center for Industry and Education of FNU and co-organized by the Publicity Department of FNU, was held at the Hongda Hall on Qishan Campus of FNU. Lv Mengjing, deputy director of the Committee for Population, Resources and Environment of the CPPCC Fujian Provincial Committee, Chen Shuishu, deputy director-general of Fujian Provincial Department of Water Resources, Xu Wei, deputy director-general of Fujian Provincial Department of Ecological Environment, Pan Yuteng, secretary of FNU Party Committee, Li Baoyin, president of Fujian Association of Higher Education and director of Fujian Research Center for River and Lake Health, representatives from such departments as the Members’ Studio of the General Office of the CPPCC Fujian Provincial Committee, Fujian Provincial Department of Natural Resources, Fujian Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, and Fujian Provincial Department of Agriculture and Rural Areas, representatives from research institutions such as the Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Sciences, Fujian Provincial Investigation, Design and Research Institute of Water Conservancy and Hydropower, Fujian Provincial Research Academy of Environmental Sciences, Fujian Provincial Research Academy of Water Resources and Hydropower, Fujian Provincial Institute of Freshwater Fisheries, representatives from such universities as Xiamen University, Fuzhou University, Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University, Fujian Polytechnic Normal University, Fujian University of Technology, Minjiang University, representatives from enterprises such as Beijing Enterprises Water Group Limited and Fuguang Water Technology Co., Limited, journalists from nearly 20 news media such as People's Daily, Guangming Daily and Xinhua News Agency, as well as representatives of teachers and students of FNU attended the release conference, which was held both online and offline simultaneously.

Li Baoyin pointed out that the river and lake water system is the main carrier of surface water resources, and that a healthy river and lake water system is not only related to the sustainable utilization of water resources, but also related to the safety of ecological environment and the sustainable development of economy and society. The release of the Fujian River and Lake Health Blue Book (2020-2021) not only announces the latest research results of the center to the public and timely responds to the concerns of all sectors of society about the health status of the rivers and lakes in Fujian Province, but is also expected to bring together the wisdom and strength of managers, researchers and practitioners in river and lake related fields, in order to continuously improve river and lake health assessment methods, and jointly protect water resources, water ecology, water environment and water safety, Li said.

Su Yuping, deputy director of the research center, released the results of the river and lake health assessment in Fujian Province in 2021, introduced the general situation, assessment scope, assessment indicators, assessment methods of rivers in Fujian, as well as the assessments of 179 rivers and 42 important lakes and reservoirs, which showed the characteristics of the river and lake health assessment in Fujian Province.

Wu Fengchang, academician of Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Sciences, commented on and guided the technological innovations and application prospects of the river and lake health assessment through the online mode. Zhang Yuzhen, president of Fujian Research Academy of Environmental Sciences, and Li Yutong, chairman of Fujian Students’ Federation, respectively commented on the content and practical significance of the assessment on the spot.

The conference also briefly reviewed the scientific research and practical work continuously carried out by Fujian Research Center for River and Lake Health in recent three years, where the video of Fujian He Xiaoyu and Citizen Scientists Participating in River and Hake Health Protection was played and the award ceremony of the 2021 citizen scientists’ project of Meeting in a Bottle of Water and Protecting My Hometown's Water was held.

After the conference, a cross-sector exchange meeting of “Healthy Rivers and Lakes and Happy Dialogues” was held. The attendees included representatives from local governments, enterprises, universities, research institutions, social organizations and the public. The participants conducted in-depth dialogues and exchanges on the topic of “Healthy Rivers and Lakes and Their Happy Construction”, and put forward their valuable opinions and suggestions.


(Translated by Zheng Siming/ Reviewed by Xie Xiujuan)
