FNU Successfully Holds the 7th International Symposium on Security and Privacy in Social Networks and Big Data


The symposium, hosted by FNU, organized by College of Computer and Cyberspace Security and Fujian Provincial Key Lab of Network Security and Cryptology, and co-organized by Zhong Xin Network Security, was held at FNU from November 20th to 21st. It centered around the theme of Security and Privacy in Social Networks and Big Data, and was conducted both online and offline. More than 250 well-known experts, scholars, college teachers and students from China, the United States of America, the UK, Australia, Singapore, India and Taiwan, China, attended the event.

The conference conducted in-depth exchanges and discussions on the frontier and hot issues in the field of network security and cryptography, received wide attention and active support from experts and scholars in relevant fields, and enhanced the international influence of FNU in the field. During the conference, three well-known scholars at home and abroad were invited to make reports, which are Blockchain, Big Data, and AI for Smart Industrial Internet by Professor Li Jie, director of Computer Science and Engineering Department of School of Electronic Information and Electrical Engineering of Shanghai Jiao Tong University and director of Blockchain Research Center of Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Dynamic Opinion Maximization in Social Networks by Professor Wang Xingwei, of School of Computer Science and Engineering of Northeastern University and winner of the National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars, and IoT Security and Privacy Using Machine Learning by Professor He Xiangjian of Global Big Data Technology Center of University of Technology, Sidney. In addition, 16 scholars made academic reports on such related fields as the application of big data cryptography, big data system security, forensics in social networks and big data, privacy protection in social networks, security and privacy in big databases, security of artificial intelligence and trust and reputation in social networks.

It is reported that the conference finally selected 16 papers based on the review of the International Program Committee. The conference proceedings will be published in Springer’s Communications in Computer and Information Science and submitted for EI retrieval. Among them, three high-quality papers were recommended to SCI Journal.


 (Translated by Lv Xin/ Reviewed by Xie Xiujuan)
