The 30th Annual Meeting of Chinese Association for Political Economy & the 23rd Symposium of China Shanghai School Economics Forum Held in FNU


On August 23, the 30th Annual Meeting of Chinese Association for Political Economy (CAPE) and the 23rd Symposium of Economics of China Shanghai School Forum were held on Qishan Campus. The conference was hosted by the CAPE, the National Socialist Political Economics Research Center with Chinese Characteristics of FNU and the Economics of Shanghai School Research Institute of Shanghai University of Finance and Economics (SUFE), organized by School of Economics of FNU, and co-organized by the CASS (Chinese Academy of Social Sciences) Research Center for Social Development, the CASS Academy of Marxism and College of Marxism of FNU. Held both online and offline, the academic conference was attended by over 200 people, including Prof. Cheng Enfu, president of CAPE and deputy director of the Academic Committee of University of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (UCASS), Prof. Li Jianping, consultant of CAPE and former president of FNU, Prof. Wen Kui, consultant of CAPE and former president of Capital University of Economics and Business, Prof. Yu Hongjun, consultant of CAPE and executive deputy secretary of Peking University Party Committee, Jian Xinhua, consultant of CAPE and professor of Wuhan University, He Ganqiang, consultant of CAPE and professor of Nanjing University of Finance and Economics, Li Bingyan, consultant of CAPE and professor of Jiangsu Provincial Party School, and vice presidents of CAPE. The attendees also included experts and scholars from more than 60 universities and research institutes such as CASS, Tsinghua University, Renmin University of China, Nankai University, Wuhan University, Fudan University, Beijing Normal University, China University of Political Science and Law, Tianjin University, National University of Defense Technology, Xiamen University, Northwest University, and teacher and student representatives from School of Economics and College of Marxism of FNU. With the theme of The Basic Socialist Economic System and Modernization of National Governance, the conference was divided into such sessions as opening ceremony, keynote report, parallel sub-forum and closing ceremony. At the opening ceremony, Cheng Enfu, president of CAPE and deputy director of the Academic Committee of UCASS, Wang Xiuli, member and vice chairman of the Party Group of Fujian Federation of Social Sciences, and Li Xuan, deputy secretary of FNU Party Committee, delivered a speech respectively.

(Translated by Qiu Sisong/ Reviewed by Xie Xiujuan)

