New Progress in Perovskite Solar Cells was Made by Researcher Zhen Hongyu of College of Chemistry and Materials Science of FNU


The Information Materials and Device Technology team of College of Chemistry and Materials Science of FNU is committed to the development and utilization of new polymer electronic information materials and device technology. The main research directions are organic/polymer photoelectric materials and devices, and organic/inorganic room temperature Phosphorescent materials and supercapacitors.

At present, spiro-OMeTAD, the small organic molecules doped with conductive enhancers and oxidants, is mostly used as hole transport materials in high-performance positive-structure perovskite solar cells. However, as a conductive enhancer, lithium salt has strong water absorption, and the doping system also has some problems, such as complex preparation process and poor long-term stability. The photoelectric functional polymer with conjugated structure has replaced doped spiro-OMeTAD to become a new generation of hole transport material for perovskite solar cells, for the advantages of high hole mobility, good film-forming property, no doping, and hydrophobicity.

Researcher Zhen Hongyu has been engaged in the basic research on the application of photoelectric functional polymers in polymer electroluminescence devices, polymer solar cells and perovskite solar cells. Recently, on the basis of previous work(Adv. Energy Mater.2019, 10, 1903146), another research entitled Donor-Acceptor Type Polymer Bearing Carbazole Side Chain for Efficient Dopant-Free Perovskite Solar Cells was published in the international academic journal Advanced Energy Materials(IF=29.386). In this paper, carbazole was innovatively introduced into BDT-BDD alternating conjugated polymer as side chain, and the synergistic effect of main chain and side chain hole transport functional units was utilized to improve the hole transport performance of polymer hole transport material. The research was published with FNU as the first organization, You Guofeng, postgraduate student of College of Chemistry and Materials Science of FNU, as the first author and researcher Zhen Hongyu as the corresponding author. This project was funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China and Fujian Province.

(Translated by Liao Danyan/ Reviewed by Chen Fang)
