Blue Books Series Undertaken by FNU Win the 11th Excellent Yearbooks Award


On September 25, the 21st Annual National Yearbooks (Pishu) Conference was held in Kunming, Yunnan Province. The conference, centering on the theme of Research, Innovation, Publication & Dissemination of Yearbooks in the Context of High-Quality Development, was hosted by the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS). More than 200 delegates from the CASS, the Publication Bureau of Publicity Department, the National Office for Philosophy and Social Sciences, Academies of Social Sciences nationwide, universities and research institutes, etc., attended the conference.

The blue book Annual Report on Overall Competitiveness of China’s Provincial Economy (2017-2018) by Fujian Normal University Branch of the National Research Center of Comprehensive Economic Competitiveness and the blue book Annual Report on China (Fujian) Pilot Free Trade Zone (2018-2019) by the research group of Fujian Free Trade Zone Comprehensive Research Institute of Fujian Normal University respectively won the second prize of the 11th Excellent Yearbooks Report Award and the third prize of Excellent Yearbooks Award. Meanwhile, Annual Report on Overall Competitiveness of China’s Provincial Economy (2017-2018) was on the TOP100 list of the 2019-version Chinese Yearbooks Comprehensive Evaluation, and it ranked 26th at 88.28 scores in the comprehensive ranking of more than 400 titles of yearbooks in China and ranked second in the macroeconomic yearbooks. It is noteworthy that the blue book Annual Report on Overall Competitiveness of China’s Provincial Economy (2018-2019), edited by Prof. Li Jianping, former president of FNU, has won the National Excellent Yearbooks Award for 11 years consecutively since the yearbook won the the first national yearbooks Best Impact Award in 2009.

It is learned that a total of 419 titles of yearbooks competed for the Excellent Yearbooks Award this year. After the three sessions of the initial evaluation (objective index), re-evaluation (subjective index), and qualification review, 60 titles of yearbooks entered the final evaluation. At the same time, 637 reports participated in this selection, 50 reports entered the final evaluation after the initial evaluation (normative review) and re-evaluation. In the end, the Yearbooks Academic Committee selected 51 yearbooks for the Excellent Yearbooks Award and 40 reports for the Excellent Yearbooks Report Award.

                               (Translated by Song Ke/ Reviewed by Xie Xiujuan)  

