Seminar on Interpretation and Applicability of Civil Code & 2020 Annual Conference of Civil and Commercial Law Research Institute of Fujian Law Society Held at FNU


On November 7th, the seminar on the Interpretation and Applicability of the Civil Code and the 2020 Annual Conference of the Civil and Commercial Law Research Institute of Fujian Law Society, co-sponsored by the Research Center of Civil and Commercial Jurisprudence of Renmin University of China (RUC) (hereinafter referred to as “the Center”) and the Civil and Commercial Law Research Institute of Fujian Law Society, and organized by FNU Law School, was held on Qishan Campus of FNU. The attendees included Luo Dongchuan, member of the Standing Committee and secretary of the Politics and Law Committee of the CPC Fujian Provincial Committee, and president of Fujian Law Society, He Xiaoqing, level-one inspector of of the Politics and Law Committee of the CPC Fujian Provincial Committee and vice president of Fujian Law Society, Wang Yi, member of the standing committee of RUC Party Committee and vice president of RUC, Yang Lixin, professor of RUC Law School and vice chairman of the Civil Law Research Institute of China Law Society, FNU leaders Li Baoyin and Chen Xiaohong, and scholars and experts from Tsinghua University, Peking University, Renmin University of China (RUC), Xiamen University, Chongqing University, East China University of Political Science and Law, Shanghai University of Finance and Economics, China Jiliang University, Fujian Academy of Social Sciences, Fujian Provincial Higher People's Court, and FNU. Chen Xiaohong, deputy secretary of FNU Party Committee, presided over the opening ceremony of the conference. 

Luo Dongchuan, member of the Standing Committee and secretary of the Politics and Law Committee of the CPC Fujian Provincial Committee, and president of Fujian Law Society, pointed out in his speech that since the promulgation of the Civil Code, Fujian Province has attached great importance to the study, publicity and implementation of the Civil Code, and taken a series of measures to continuously create a good social legal environment for the study, publicity and implementation of the Civil Code. The seminar, he said, is an important move to study, publicize and implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech on the compilation and implementation of the Civil Code and advance its implementation. He hoped that the participating experts and scholars will contribute wisdom and strength to accurately interpreting and effectively implementing the Civil Code through discussions and mutual learning. He also hoped that law workers in Fujian Province will earnestly study and implement the spirit of the fifth Plenary Session of the 19th CPC Central Committee, actively participate in work related to the implementation of the Civil Code, and promote its continuous development on the basis of new practice, and that they will give full play to role of the Civil and Commercial Law Research Institute of Fujian Law Society as a platform, strengthen the connection between theory and practice, enhance the application of research results, promote the in-depth and practical research activities of the Civil Code, and contribute more Fujian wisdom to the effective implementation of the Civil Code.

Secretary of FNU Party Committee Li Baoyin, on behalf of FNU, extended a warm welcome to the participating experts and scholars and briefly introduced the development of FNU and FNU Law school. He pointed out that this conference was held at FNU, which fully embodied great affections and encouragement of the leaders and experts to FNU, and that FNU will cherish this rare opportunity to accept insightful opinions, communicate with people of different disciplines, gather academic resources, and constantly enhance the quality and research level of law education, so as to make contributions to building a practical and modern system of civil law theory and discourse with Chinese characteristics.

 Wang Yi, member of the standing committee of RUC Party Committee and vice president of RUC, in his online speech elaborated on the importance of the compilation and implementation of the Civil Code, pointing out that in the process of compiling the Civil Code, scholars and experts of the Civil and Commercial Law Research Institute of Fujian Law Society and of the Civil and Commercial Law of FNU Law School have contributed their wisdom and strength, and that the seminar will definitely further advance the Civil Code from written words to laws that work well in real life, which will play a positive role in advancing law based governance of Fujian Province and China.

Yang Lixin, professor of RUC Law School and vice chairman of the Civil Law Research Institute of China Law Society, spoke highly of the research on the civil law in Fujian Province and the research on the civil and commercial law conducted by FNU in recent years. Based on the background of the compilation of the Civil Code, he expounded the rich connotations of the Civil Code, and the mission of the civil law research, and hoped that the participating experts and scholars will delve into the legal principles contained in the Civil Code and their applications in practice, and play their due role in advancing law-based governance of China.

Centering on the theme of Interpretation and Applicability of the Civil Code, the conference was conducted in the forms of keynote speeches and thematic discussions. During the session of keynote speeches, Yang Lixin, professor of RUC, Cui Jianyuan, professor of Tsinghua University, Liu Kaixiang, professor of Peking University, Yao Hui and Shi Jiayou, professors of the Center, respectively made a speech, entitled Compensation Rules for the Infliction of Mental Distress Where Any Harm Is Caused by a Tort to a Special Thing of Personal Significance in the Civil Code”, “ Liability for Breach of Contracts in the Section of Contracts of the Civil Code, Interpretation and Applicability of the Fluidity Mortgage and Liquidity Pledge Provisions in the Civil Code, Systematic Structure of the System of Habitation Rights in the Civil Code, and Improvement in the System of Property Rights in the Civil Code. During the session of thematic discussions, the participants conducted in-depth exchanges on the interpretation and applicability of the relevant provisions in the Civil Code.

Before the opening ceremony, Luo Dongchuan had cordial talks with FNU leaders Li Baoyin and Chen Xiaohong at the meeting hall of Qishan Campus. After the opening ceremony, Luo Dongchuan, accompanied by FNU leaders Li Baoyin and Chen Xiaohong, visited the old photo gallery and the exhibition hall of the Marxist theory cluster of disciplines at FNU.


(Translated by Chen Bin / Reviewed by Xie Xiujuan )

