The 22nd Annual Conference of Chinese Association for CAPITAL Studies


From November 14 to 15, the 22nd annual conference of Chinese Association for CAPITAL Studies was held at Guizhou University of Finance and Economics. Over 140 scholars and experts attended the event, including Prof. Lin Gang, president of Chinese Association for CAPITAL Studies and former vice president of Renmin University of China, Prof. Hu Leming, deputy director of Institute of Economics of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Prof. Wang Zhenzhong, former deputy director of Institute of Economics of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Prof. Zhao Pu, president of Guizhou University of Finance and Economics, Prof. Xu Dayou, vice president of Guizhou University of Finance and Economics, Prof. Huang Jin and Prof. Dai Shuangxing from the School of Economics of FNU, as well as other experts and scholars from more than 50 universities and related research institutes, such as Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Renmin University of China, Peking University, Tsinghua University, Wuhan University, Nanjing University, Nankai University, and Southwest University of Finance and Economics.

With the theme of Das Kapital and Building a Moderately Prosperous Society in All Respects and Modernizing Chinas Governance, the conference focused on in-depth discussions about such issues as the inheritance and innovation of Das Kapital, the political economy of socialism with Chinese characteristics, the building of a moderately prosperous society in all respects and high-quality economic development, and the modernization of Chinas governance system and capacity.

In the keynote report session, Prof. Huang Jin gave a speech titled Exploring Another Connotation of Marx's ‘True Community’. Prof. Dai Shuangxing delivered a speech in the group discussion session.

During the conference, an exhibition of the research achievements on Das Kapital by members of the Chinese Association for CAPITAL Studies since the founding of the Peoples Republic of China was held, and the series on Das Kapital (Fujian People's Publishing House, 2017), edited by Prof. Chen Zheng and Prof. Li Jianping, were included in the exhibition.

The election at expiration of office terms was held during the conference, with Prof. Huang Jin recommended as a candidate for the position of vice president of the Chinese Association for CAPITAL Studies and Prof. Dai Shuangxing as a candidate for the position of executive director of the Association.

Initiated by Xu Dixin, Song Tao, Chen Daisun and other economists of the older generation, and established in 1981, the Chinese Association for CAPITAL Studies is the most influential and time-honored national academic association in the field of Marxist political economy.


(Translated by Zeng Lu/Reviewed by Xie Xiujuan)

