The 6th National Forum on Marxist Ethics Held at FNU


On November 14, with the theme “The World and We in 2020: A Marxist Ethical Perspective”, the 6th National Forum on Marxist Ethics, co-sponsored by the Research Center of Moral Education in Universities of Tsinghua University, the Research Center of Ethics and Moral Construction of Renmin University of China (RUC), and College of Marxism of FNU, and organized by the editorial office of Theory and Review, was held at FNU. More than 100 attendees included experts and scholars from many universities such as Tsinghua University, Peking University, RUC, Jilin University, Zhejiang University, Capital Normal University, Nanjing Normal University, Central China Normal University, South China Normal University, Minzu University of China, Jinan University, Hohai University, Liaoning University, Xiamen University, Yunnan University, Hebei University, Shanxi Normal University, Yunnan Minzu University and some research institutes, as well as editors and reporters from Studies On Marxism, Journal of South China Normal University, Journal of Fujian Normal University, Qilu Journal, Central Compilation & Translation Press, People’s Education Press, and Guangming Online. Prof. Cao Gang, director of the Research Center of Ethics and Moral Construction of RUC and vice president of the China Association For Ethical Studies (CAES), Prof. Li Yitian, deputy dean of School of Marxism of Tsinghua University, and young Yangtze River Scholar, and Yang Yusheng, vice president of FNU, delivered a speech at the opening ceremony respectively.

Yang Yusheng pointed out that in the face of the dual challenges of nature and society, there is an urgent need for the academic world to reflect on the ethical norms and moral values of human society, and drive out evil and usher in good so as to form the ethical consciousness of the community with a shared future for mankind, and that Marxist ethics is a profound and new discipline with a long and rich cultural tradition and discourse resources. In the face of the current severe and complex situation, Marxist ethics is duty-bound to highlight ideas, value life, distinguish right from wrong, ensure a correct understanding of the facts, demonstrate its resolution and propositionand highlight its normative, critical, and practical spirit of advancing with the times in the process of responding to the problems of the times, so as to truly observe, interpret, and lead the times, Yang said. 

Cao Gang used “spring” and “rising sun to describe the broad prospects of Marxist ethics, believing that the development of Marxist Ethics in the new era should have four characteristics: First, it should not only be theoretically profound and thorough, but also become a program of action for people’s moral practice; second, it should not only advance with the times, capable of offering guidance and solving moral problems encountered in the development of contemporary Chinese society, but also serve as a future-oriented ethics, capable of providing theoretical resources and ideological guidance for the moral problems that may be encountered in the future; third, it should be not only a mainstream ideology, but also a profound moral knowledge system; fourth, there should be not only a tradition of Chinese ethics teaching and research pioneered and inherited by predecessors, but also a research team of mainly young scholars, dedicated to the teaching and research of Marxist ethics.

From the perspective of Marxist ethics, Li Yitian put forward “three unchanged”, arguing that the basic contradictions of human existence, the basic social structure of human beings and the yearning for positive values and a better life have not changed. He emphasized that tackling the ethical issues of the times from the depth, comprehensive and long-term perspective of Marxism can help us to strengthen our determination and confidence in facing anxiety and panic. He hoped that the participating experts, scholars and young students will conduct thorough discussions to promote the research on Marxist ethics.

Wei Jianguo, Wang Shuqin, Long Jingyun, Chai Yanping, Han Dongping, Yu Dahuai, Lv Liangshan, Huang Yunming, Yang Guocai, Chen Guirong, Wang Lulu and Wang Wendong made a keynote presentation respectively. Qu Hongmei, Shen Yongfu, Wu Huixin gave reports on the moral connotations of Marxist ethical thought; Zhang Yan, Wei Chuanguang, Song Jianli, Li Yang, Fan Weiwei and Chen Simin on the equality and justice of Marxist view; Lin Yuchuan, Wang Guixian, Bao Dawei and Yang Rong on political significance of life in Marxist ethics; Xiao Xiang, Zhang Kun, Xiang Yixu, Yan Kuoming on the narrative mode and theoretical qualities of Marxist ethical thought; Jiang Yingrong, Liu Ang, Chen Suzhen, and Cao Zhoutian on the theoretical and practical manifestations of Marxist ethics in concrete governance practices. Zhang Xiao, deputy dean of School of Philosophy of RUC, and Zhang Aimin from College of Marxism of FNU made concluding speeches.

                                (Translated by Chen Bin / Reviewed by Xie Xiujuan )
