The 100th Issue of Journal of Chinese Writing Systems & International Academic Seminar on Grammatology Held at FNU


On December 12, the 100th issue of Journal of Chinese Writing Systems & international academic seminar on grammatology, sponsored by FNU and co-organized by Taiwan Wanjuanlou Publishing Company, was held simultaneously in Fuzhou and Taipei, both online and offline. Nearly 100 experts and scholars from more than 30 universities and research institutions in Japan,  Singapore and China (including China mainland, Hong Kong, and Taiwan) attended the meeting. Vice president Zheng Jiajian, director of Research Centre for Unearthed Documents & Ancient Writing of Fudan University Liu Zhao, and dean of the College of Chinese Language and Literature Li Xiaorong delivered speeches respectively at the opening ceremony.

Xu Xueren and Liu Zhao presided over the seminar, and Chen Weiwu, Zhao Pingan, Zhong Bosheng and Ji Xusheng respectively delivered keynote report at the seminar. The two venues will each have group discussions on oracle-bone inscriptions and bronze inscriptions, writing of the Warring States period, writing of Qin and Han Dynasties, and Chinese writing theory and comprehensive research, to jointly study Chinese writing and share academic cutting-edge achievements.

It is reported that Journal of Chinese Writing Systems is an academic research journal of great historical value and special significance. It has published 100 issues since its inception in 1960, making an important contribution to the study of ancient Chinese writing. Dong Zuibin, the founder of Journal of Chinese Writing Systems, a famous scholar and one of the four outstanding oracle-bone inscriptions researchers, once taught at FNU. Since 2019, Journal of Chinese Writing Systems has been edited and published by FNU in cooperation with Taiwan Wanjuanlou Publishing Company, which has triggered a warm response in academic circles at home and abroad.

 (Translated by Chen Bin / Reviewed by Lin Mingjin )
