The 2020 Annual Working Conference of Fujian Association of Higher Education Held at FNU


On December 26, the 2020 annual working conference of Fujian Association of Higher Education was held at FNU. Li Baoyin, president of Fujian Association of Higher Education and secretary of FNU Party Committee, Ni Weiqing, deputy director of the Division of Higher Education of the Education Department of Fujian Province, members of the Council and the Supervisory Board, heads of the branches and some executive members attended the event.

At the conference, heads of each branch reported the main work in 2020 and the work plan for the year 2021. Huang Yuepeng, vice president and secretary-general of Fujian Association of Higher Education, conveyed the spirit of the ninth session of the seventh council of Fujian Association of Higher Education. Ni Weiqing, deputy director of the Division of Higher Education of the Education Department of Fujian Province, introduced the basic ideas about the reform and development of Fujian Association of Higher Education during the 14th Five-Year Plan period. The participants conducted exchanges and discussions on how to further strengthen the construction of Fujian Association of Higher Education to serve the development of higher education in Fujian in a more targeted manner.

In his concluding speech, Li Baoyin pointed out that 2021 is the opening year of the 14th Five-Year Plan, and that China's higher education is creating a series of new changes, trends and requirements, so the higher education reform and development in Fujian is facing more opportunities and greater challenges. Fujian Association of Higher Education should further clarify its orientation, enhance problem awareness and target orientation, fully implement the spirit of the meeting of Fujian Association of Higher Education and conscientiously implement the decisions and arrangements made by the CPC Fujian Provincial Committee and Fujian Provincial Peoples Government. Under the strong guidance of the Education Department of Fujian Province and with the great collaboration of the branches and members, the Association always adheres to the principles of taking a clear-cut stand on politics, promoting academic prosperity and innovation, serving the development to make contributions, and standardizing the mechanism of running schools. With a higher standpoint, firmer grip and more practical measures, Fujian Association of Higher Education will put in place the set goals and tasks, and give full play to its roles as think bank, think tank and booster to make new and greater contributions in building a high-quality educational system, creating a strong province of higher education, promoting the modernization of higher education in Fujian, and helping Fujian to promote high-quality development in all aspects, Li said.



 (Translated by Zeng Lu/ Reviewed by Xie Xiujuan)



